Non-Surgical Gum Therapy
It is possible that in spite of your best efforts you may require more aggressive gum therapy. Like many other ailments gum disease can be quite painless due to its slow progression.
After a thorough periodontal screening and examination, we may choose more aggressive therapies aimed at eliminating or reducing the amounts of bacterial and plaque accumulating below the gum line, (generally cleaning and polishing of teeth is above the gum-line). This involves curettage and root-planning and/or treatment with site specific administration of medications to the affected gums. Curettage is the grafting of the soft tissue lining around the tooth. In disease, this tissue is chronically irritated by bacteria deep below the visible gum-line and needs to be removed so that proper healing can occur. Root-Planning is the removal and smoothing of micro-amounts of root surface so that a clean and un-infected surface is presented to the healing lining of soft tissue.
Gum disease does not happen overnight and treatment generally is spread out over time as the effectiveness of a procedure needs to be assessed before the next takes place. Generally, your condition is re-assessed in time and joint decisions are made about your next step. The services of a specialist (Periodontist) may be required should surgical intervention be required. Often surgery allows for complete healing of the gum and bone, reduced mobility of teeth and a greatly improved prognosis.
The team at Cedarwood Dental will work with you to assure that you have access to the care that best suits your oral health needs.