What do candy canes, sugar plum drops, and warm apple cider all have in common? They are delicious holiday treats that wear away your enamel and promote bacterial growth in your mouth! That’s right– the holiday season is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking of ways to protect your teeth during the holiday season. But don’t worry! With some strong dental habits, you can protect your teeth from even the sugariest of cavity-causing treats!
Cedarwood Dental has all the information you need to keep your teeth healthy. And when you’re ready for your annual cleaning or other treatment, come into our offices and our professional team will make the experience feel like a breeze!
Keep reading to learn more about protecting your teeth this holiday season!
5 Ways to Protect Your Teeth This Holiday Season
The longer sugar stays on your teeth, the more chances you have of developing cavities, or other oral health issues. This is a problem during the holiday season because sugar is everywhere! The holidays can be a nightmare for your mouth, from holiday candies to pastries and sweet sugary drinks.
Don’t worry though. There are a few simple ways to protect your teeth, and prevent plaque and tartar buildup this holiday season. By following a good oral healthcare regimen and taking some extra precautions, you can step into the new year with whiter, healthier teeth.
5 Dental Tips To Protect Your Teeth This Holiday Season
Here it is! Cedarwood Dental’s top 5 tips to keep your teeth safe during the holidays. If you can’t manage to adopt all these habits, try one at a time! Any effort is better than none at all.
1. Eat Sweets in Moderation
With a million different options to choose from to satisfy your sweet tooth, it’s a real challenge to just say no. But your entire body, not just your mouth, will thank you if you choose to enjoy these treats in moderation. Even if it’s limiting yourself to just one dessert or one treat, that’s helpful! You don’t have to limit yourself completely! Just be smart about how much sugar you’re consuming, and you’ll have done your best to follow this tip.
The more sweets you eat, the more plaque and tartar build. And with more of these troublesome symptoms, you can incur some serious dental damage. So avoid the worst and book your cleaning with Cedarwood Dental here.
Or keep reading to find out more tips!
2. Brush your teeth often
Sure, you’ve probably heard this a million times– but the advice hasn’t changed! Turns out our parents had it right the entire time. No matter how many sweets you eat, you still have to maintain the base of good habits: brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. Dentists recommend brushing at least twice a day, but it’s a good idea to add a third brushing during the holiday season. You can even pack a small toothbrush with you to events and parties where you know there will be sugar! By preparing in advance, you can remove the sugar from your teeth at any place and at any time.
3. Use mouthwash after eating sugary foods
One of the easier tricks you can apply to save your teeth this holiday season is to use mouthwash more regularly. Especially after eating sugar, a quick swig of mouthwash does a lot to wash away the excess sugar and protect your teeth. Remember, mouthwash doesn’t replace teeth brushing. It’s only an extra tool that we can use in addition to brushing. Another bonus of using mouthwash is that it causes you to produce more saliva, which protects your teeth!
If you’re looking for information on how often to visit us and get a dental cleaning, check out our article here. We cover all the information you need to decide if now is the right time to book your next dental cleaning appointment.
4. Use sugar-free gum
For many reasons, switching to sugar-free gum is always a good idea. And during the holiday season, you have extra cause to make the change. Chewing sugar-free gum helps your sugar cravings. It also replaces sugary foods with a sweet treat that doesn’t erode your teeth with sugars. And another bonus: chewing gum makes you produce more saliva, which protects your teeth.
5. Change your toothbrush
It’s a good idea to change your toothbrush at home often regardless, but if you are eating a lot of sweets, then an upgrade is a good idea. The more tools you have in your toolkit to combat all the sugary treats you’ll eat over the holidays, the better! If you don’t want to get a powered toothbrush, then consider a toothbrush that has triple-action bristles, or a diamond-shaped head that can get into those hard-to-reach places.
Protect Your Teeth This Holiday Season With Cedarwood Dental
It’s no surprise that the holiday season is also cavity season. But with some extra precautions, you can keep your teeth safe this holiday season. Make sure to brush often, and limit your sugar intake. And whenever possible, brush or use mouthwash after eating a treat! The less time that sugar spends on your teeth, the better!
The best way you can protect your teeth is to keep up with your regular professional dental cleanings at Cedarwood Dental. You can book your visit with us here. We’ll be sure to take every measure to make your appointment comfortable and protect your teeth. There’s nothing that protects your teeth like a visit to the dentist! So give us a call at 905-476-5333 and book your visit with us today.